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Posts Tagged ‘Creation Moments’

The Ancients Could Have Moved the Saturn V Rocket!

Posted by Mats on 09/11/2009

Job 38:36

Who hath put wisdom in the inward parts? or who hath given understanding to the heart?

We look at Egypt’s pyramids and wonder how the ancients built these great structures. Such questions are really about the source of man’s intelligence and creativity. Were intelligence and creativity created within us by an ultimately intelligent and creative God, or are these a result of blind evolutionary forces?

In the ancient city that the Greeks called Heliopolis, the Romans converted an ancient Greek temple into a temple for Jupiter. The original temple must have amazed even the Roman builders. It is 2,500 feet long, making it one of the largest stone structures in the world. Twenty-six feet above the foundation of this structure are three of the largest stones ever moved by man. These limestone blocks measure 10 feet by 13 feet by 60 feet long. They weigh 1.2 million pounds each, three times the size of any stone used in the pyramids!

Not only were the stones raised 26 feet into the air, but also they were moved from a quarry that is three-quarters of a mile away. At the quarry is an even larger stone weighing two million pounds that would have crushed any logs used to roll it to the temple. The first time in recorded history that man ever moved anything so heavy was when NASA moved the giant Saturn V rocket to the launch pad on its now-famous giant tracked vehicle.

The reason that these ancient people could have moved the Saturn V rocket is that intelligence comes from our Creator, not chance evolution.

Prayer: Dear Father, I thank You that You didn’t use evolution to create me. Amen.

References: Science Frontiers: Some Anomalies and Curiosities of Nature, William Corliss, “Unbelievable Baalbek,” pp.17-18.

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Evolutionary Prediction Fails

Posted by Mats on 09/06/2009

Deuteronomy 18:22
“…when a prophet speaks in the name of the LORD, if the thing does not happen or come to pass, that is the thing which the LORD has not spoken; the prophet has spoken it presumptuously: you shall not be afraid of him.”

If man is the result of billions of years of evolution from the simplest of creatures, evolution predicts that man should have retained most, if not all, of the best abilities of those other creatures in his heritage.

According to evolution, our ape-like ancestors had opposing toes, just as we have opposing thumbs. If we had retained those opposing toes, we could pick things up without bending over. The female chimp can pull 1,260 pounds with one arm. That would be a pretty handy facility. And then, there is the hero shrew of Uganda, just six inches long, but it can support the weight of a one hundred and sixty pound man on its back!

Even the lowly snail can pull up to 200 times its own weight, and lift ten times its weight. Then what about the trilobite, right at the bottom of the evolutionary ladder and supposedly extinct for 300 million years? This little fellow had the most sophisticated eye lenses, actually double lenses, ever found in nature!

Since all of these abilities would be greatly beneficial for us, why didn’t evolution let us keep or develop these abilities as we evolved? The answer is simple. We have not evolved. Rather, we have been made by a Creator Who made us for the purpose of a relationship with Himself through His Son, Jesus Christ.

Prayer: Dear heavenly Father, I thank You that while I cannot leap tall buildings or lift them, You have made me for the higher purpose of a relationship with You. Increase my trust in the atoning work of Your Son for me so that I may grow closer to You. In His Name. Amen.

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The Weaverbird

Posted by Mats on 21/05/2009

Genesis 1:28
Then God blessed them, and God said to them, ‘Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.’

Intelligence – as much as is needed and no more – is widely found throughout God’s creation. So intelligence alone is not what makes man special.

Consider the weaverbird. The nest of the weaverbird is woven of strips of fiber and grass. Using beak and feet, the male uses loops and knots to weave its hanging nest. Then, the nest is inspected by a prospective mate. If she doesn’t like the nest’s construction, she turns down the hopeful male. The male then rebuilds the entire nest.

Some males have been seen re-building their nest two dozen times before being accepted by a prospective mate. Certain weaverbirds actually build cities of nests protected by a woven roof. One roof was 15 feet across! Now, all this requires a certain level of intelligence.

So it is not intelligence that sets man apart from the animal kingdom. No, it is the fact that our Creator made us to have a special relationship with Him. Even though we are a pretty bad lot, God loved mankind so much that He chose to die as Jesus on the cross that we may be forgiven.

Anyone who has accepted Christ in faith has the promise of being made a new creation, beginning right here in this life and into eternal life in the next! That’s the wide gulf between man and animal!

Prayer: Dear Father, I thank You that You have given me being and life, and that when I was lost in sin, You still sought me out with Your gospel. Help me to truly live as Your new creation in Christ. For His sake. Amen.

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